The Hidden Pricee
Insight: People want to protect their families.
Target Audience: Age 25-44 who are looking to purchase or have purchased a gun.
Creative Big Idea: Purchasing a gun doesn’t buy you safety, it costs you your family.
Art Director: Marlana Bianchi
Copywriter: Ana Wittung
Augmented Reality Bus Stop Mirror
An augmented reality bus stop will digitally erase individuals as they pass while leaving others in to visually exemplify what could happen when there is a gun in-home. As this erasure happens, a QR code will appear to direct people to turn in their guns and thus, prevent family members from disappearing in real life.

Photo Booth
A photo booth placed at gun shows will be displayed as a normal photo booth where people can celebrate their new purchase. But when the individuals get their photos back, one person will be edited out. The surprise will be completed with the statistic of accidental death by shooting and the QR code leading them to the site where they can turn in their guns at the bottom of the photo slip.

QR Code Link
The QR code will lead to a website where users can type in their zip code to find places near them where they can turn their guns in.

Snapchat Filter
A Snapchat filter will appear on individuals’ phones when they are near or at gun shows using geolocation. The title of the filter will be the gun show name that they are at and when they go to take the photo, one person will be erased and the statistic will appear to deter them from buying a gun.

Search Advertisement Contest
When an individual searches with the keywords “gun show,” a sponsored Google Search ad will be displayed advertising the chance to win a free trigger lock. When clicked on, the website shows the steps to enter which include deleting photos of and unfollowing a family member they live with because the risk of buying a gun is losing a family member.


This project has not been commissioned or approved by the client. It was created solely for a class.